Eleonore's Ring
Naszą wędrówkę zaczynamy w depo, w Liberty Bay. Musimy się udać do rezydencji Silverhandów, by spotkać tam Eleonore. Znajduje się ona w pokoju na piętrze.

Gracz: hi
Eleonore: Be greeted. What brings you here?
Gracz: ring
Eleonore: My ring was stolen by a parrot, directly from my dressing table near the window. It flew to the nearby mountains and I fear my ring will be lost forever. Whoever returns it to me will be rewarded generously. ...
Eleonore: I guess that evil parrot hid the ring somewhere on a high tree or a rock so that you might need a rake to get it.
Gracz: bye
Eleonore: Good bye.
Eleonore zleci nam w tym momencie odzyskanie pierścionka zabranego przez papugę. W tym celu udamy się na pobliskie wzgórze, zgodnie z mapką, zabierając ze sobą parcele oraz grabie.

W miejscu zaznaczonym kropką po raz pierwszy używamy 3 parceli (lub czaru Levitate), by móc wejść na wyższy poziom.

Właśnie w tym miejscu znajduje się tarantula. Po pokonaniu jej udajemy się do drzewa (zaznaczone strzałką) i używamy na nim rake (grabie). W ten sposób odzyskamy pierścionek Eleonore.

You see a crystal ring. It weighs 0.90 oz. The initials E.S. are engraved on it.
Wracamy do Eleonore i oddajemy jej pierścionek.
Gracz: Hi
Eleanore: Be greeted. What brings you here?
Gracz: Ring
Eleanore: Oh, my beloved ring! Have you found it and want to return it to me?
Gracz: Yes
Eleanore: Oh, thank you so much! Take this gold as a reward. ... which reminds me, I would need some help in another matter. It is only a small errand. Are you interested?
Gracz: Yes
Eleanore: Thank you! It is not a difficult matter but a rather urgent one. I need to send some money to a person in town. Would you be willing to run this small errand for me?
Gracz: Yes
Eleanore: I was hoping that you'd agree. Please deliver these 200 gold pieces to the herbalist Charlotta in the south-western part of the town. If you return from this errand, I will grant you 5 gold pieces as reward for your efforts.
The Errand
Eleonore wysyła nas do Charlotty, która mieszka w południowo zachodniej, biednej części miasta. Mamy dostarczyć jej 200 gp. Dostaliśmy także od niej 150 gp.
Gracz: hi
Charlotta: Ah, welcome! Welcome!
Gracz: errand
Charlotta: Oh, so you brought some gold from Eleonore to me?
Gracz: yes
Charlotta: Hmm, it seems that Eleonore does trust you. Perhaps she is even right. However. Since we need some help right now I guess we can't be too picky. Return to Eleonore and tell her the secret password: 'peg leg'. She will tell you more about her problem.
Gracz: bye
Charlotta: Good bye my dear visitor.
Rozmawiając z Charlottą poznajemy tajemne hasło peg leg. Następnie wracamy do Eleonory.
Gracz: hi
Eleonore: Be greeted. What brings you here?
Gracz: errand
Eleonore: Great, thank you! As promised, here are your 5 gold pieces. Is there ... anything left that you might want to discuss with me?
Gracz: peg leg
Eleonore: You have returned my ring and proven yourself as trustworthy. There is something I have to discuss with you. Are you willing to listen?
Gracz: yes
Eleonore: I am glad to hear that. So please listen: Due to circumstances too complicated to explain now, I met Captain Ray Striker. He is... a freedom fighter and would not find my father's acceptance, but we fell in love ...
Eleonore: Even though he had to hide for a while, we have stayed in contact for a long time now. And our love grew even further against all odds ...
Eleonore: However, recently we lost contact. I don't know what has happened to him and fear the worst ...
Eleonore: We always have been aware that something terrible might happen to him due to his lifestyle. But perhaps there is a harmless explanation for the absence of messages <holds her tears back>. I have arranged a passage for you to Ray's hiding place ...
Eleonore: Contact Captain Waverider, the old fisherman, and tell him the secret word 'peg leg'. He will make sure that you arrive safely...
Eleonore: Please look for Ray and find out what happened to him and why he was not able to answer. Return to me as soon as you have found something out. I wish you a good journey.
Gracz: bye
Eleonore: Good bye.
Dostalismy od niej 5 gp za dobrze wykonane zadanie...
Pierwsza część questu jest skończona. Możemy podróżować na wyspę Meriana mówiąc tajne hasło (peg leg) kapitanowi Waveriderowi oraz płacąc mu 50 gp.
Aby dostać się na Laguna Island, musimy różnymi sposobami pomóc połączyć dwie kochające się osoby. Jedna z nich jest zbyt nieśmiała, by móc samemu to zrobić?
Raymond Striker
Drugą część questa ponownie rozpoczynamy w depo w Liberty Bay. Musimy się udać do kapitana Waveridera i następnie popłynąć na Merianę.

Gracz: hi
Captain Waverider: Greetings, daring adventurer.
Gracz: peg leg
Captain Waverider: Ohhhh. So... <lowers his voice> 'you know who' sent you so I sail you to 'you know where'. <wink> <wink> It willcost 50 gold to cover my expenses. Is it that what you wish?
Gracz: yes
I oto jesteśmy na Merianie. Teraz musimy się udać do Raymonda Strikera, by porozmawiać z nim o naszej misji.

Gracz: hi
Raymond Striker: Be greeted.
Gracz: eleonore
Raymond Striker: Eleonore ... Yes, I remember her... vaguely. She is a pretty girl ... but still only a girl and now I am in love with a beautiful and passionate woman. A true mermaid even.
Gracz: mermaid
Raymond Striker: The mermaid is the most beautiful creature I have ever met. She is so wonderful. It was some kind of magic as we first met. A look in her eyes and I suddenly knew there would be never again another woman in my life but her.
Gracz: bye.
W tej rozmowie dowiedzieliśmy się, kim jest merimaid. Następnie musimy się do niej udać i z nią porozmawiać.

Spotykamy syrenę Marinę i piszemy do niej hi => Raymond Striker, a następnie yes.
Breaking the Spell
Po rozmowie z syreną udajemy się do Ocelusa, który znajduje się na południowo zachodniej części wyspy.

Gracz: hi
Gracz: Eleonore
Ocelus: I heard the birds sing about her beauty. But how could a human rival the enchanting beauty of a mermaid?
Gracz: mermaid
Ocelus: Oh yes, I noticed that lovely mermaid. From afar of course. I would not dare to step into the eyes of such a lovely creature.
Ocelus: ... I guess I am quite shy. Oh my, if I were not blue, I would turn red now. If there would be someone to arrange a date with her.
Gracz: date
Ocelus: Will you ask the mermaid Marina if she would date me?
Gracz: yes
Ocelus: Thank you. How ironic, a human granting a djinn a wish.
Teraz wracamy do syreny, by umówić ją na randkę.
Gracz: hi
Gracz: date
Marina: Is that the best you can do? A true Djinn would have done something more poetic.
Gracz: bye
Ponownie wracamy do Ocelusa, by dać mu love poem (wiersz miłosny).
Gracz: hi
Gracz: date
Gracz: love poem
Ocelus: Did you get a love poem from Ab'Dendriel?
Gracz: yes
Ocelus: Excellent. Here, with this little spell I enable you to recite the poem like a true elven poet. Now go and ask her for a date again.
Gracz: bye
I to już prawie nasz ostatni spacer. Udajemy się ponownie do syreny.
Gracz: hi
Gracz: date
Marina: This lovely, exotic Djinn is a true poet. And he is asking me for a date? Excellent. Now I can finaly dump this human pirate. He was growing to be boring more and more with each day ...
Marina: As a little reward for your efforts I allow you to ride my sea turtles. Just look around at the shores and you will find them.
Gracz: yes
Gracz: bye
W zamian za pomoc możemy podróżować teraz na Laguna Island. Żółw, na którym będziemy pływać, znajduje się na wschód od syreny.
by Slythia