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(-4)     2007-09-19 11:57
11:44 [30]: buy
11:44 [30]: 22
11:44 [30]: bloos
11:44 [30]: bloss
11:44 [75]: hello
11:45 [75]: where are you?
11:45 [30]: veno
11:45 [30]: offer?
11:45 [30]: 22
11:45 [30]: ;]
11:45 [75]: 22*400=8800
11:45 [30]: 8k?
11:46 [75]: It's closer to 9k
11:46 [30]: 22
11:46 [30]: 22+9k
11:46 [30]: 22=9k?
11:46 [75]: yes
11:46 [30]: =[
11:46 [30]: 6,5k
11:46 [30]: have
11:46 [75]: if you want to pay 9k, it can be 9k
11:47 [30]: plx 6,5k
11:47 [75]: nope
11:47 [30]: 8k
11:47 [30]: buy 22 bloss
11:47 [75]: oh, now you have 8k
11:47 [75]: so you can pay 8800gp as I wanted before
11:48 [30]: no eng
11:48 [30]: :/\
11:48 [30]: offer 22 bloss?
11:48 [75]: what a pity
11:48 [75]: you don't understand what I'm writing
11:48 [75]: I could insult you till death and you won't understand
11:49 [30]: no eng
11:49 [30]: offer
11:49 [30]: kuswa
11:49 [30]: buy 22
11:49 [30]: bloss
11:49 [30]: offer
11:49 [75]: Shprechen Sie afu Deautch?
11:49 [30]: kurwa
11:49 [30]: no eng
11:49 [75]: Gawarit pa ruskii?
11:50 [30]: pl?
11:50 [75]: Yes, I am from PaLestina
11:50 [30]: plx
11:50 [30]: 22 bloss = 6,5k
11:51 [30]: please
11:51 [75]: sorry, I sell for 400gp each and this makes 22 worth 8.8k gp
11:51 [30]: 6,5k and 2 two handed sword
11:51 [30]: 1 sword 450 gp
11:51 [30]: plx
11:52 [75]: Say "plx" one more time, and I'll ignore you
11:52 [30]: bb
11:52 [75]: Good bye