Całkowity koszt samodzielnego zrobienia Blessed Wooden Stake to 5.000 gp za kij i dodatkowo opłaty za podróże pomiędzy miastami Tibii.
Na samym początku wyruszamy do Thais i poszukujemy NPC Quentin'a. Znajduje się on w Temple.

Nasza rozmowa z nim powinna wyglądać tak.
Player: hi
Quentin: Welcome, adventurer Player! If you are new in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Quentin: A blessed stake to defeat evil spirits? I do know an old prayer which is said to grant sacred power and to be able to bind this power to someone, or something. ...
Quentin: However, this prayer needs the combined energy of ten priests. Each of them has to say one line of the prayer. ...
Quentin: I could start with the prayer, but since the next priest has to be in a different location, you probably will have to travel a lot. ...
Quentin: Is this stake really important enough to you so that you are willing to take this burden?
Player: yes
Quentin: Alright, I guess you need a stake first. Maybe Gamon can help you, the leg of a chair or something could just do. Try asking him for a stake, and if you have one, bring it back to me.
Następnie wyruszamy do Gamona, który także znajduje się w Thais.

Rozmawiamy z nim.
Player: hi
Gamon: Nice to meet you, Mister Player! Looking for furniture? You've come to the right place!
Player: wooden stake
Gamon: Making a stake from a chair? Are you insane??! I won't waste my chairs on you for free! You will have to pay for it, but since I consider your plan a blasphemy, it will cost 5000 gold pieces. Okay?
Player: yes
Gamon: Argh... my heart aches! Alright... a promise is a promise. Here - take this wooden stake, and now get lost.
Otrzymujemy Wooden Stake za opłatą 5000gp.
You see a wooden stake.
It weighs 5.00 oz.
It is a simple wooden stake.
Wracamy do Quentina.
Player: hi
Quentin: Welcome, adventurer Player! If you are new in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Quentin: Ah, I see you brought a stake with you. Are you ready to receive my line of the prayer then?
Player: yes
Quentin: So receive my prayer: 'Light shall be near - and darkness afar'. Now, bring your stake to Tibra in the Carlin church for the next line of the prayer. I will inform her what to do.
Teraz wyruszamy do Carlin, do NPC Tibra i rozmawiamy z nią.

Player: hi
Tibra: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Player!
Player: wooden stake
Tibra: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Tibra: So receive my prayer: 'Hope may fill your heart - doubt shall be banned'. Now, bring your stake to Maealil in the elven settlement for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Następnie do Ab'Dendriel do NPC Maealil.

Player: hi
Maealil: Ashari, Player.
Player: wooden stake
Maealil: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Maealil: So receive my prayer: 'Peace may fill your soul - evil shall be cleansed'. Now, bring your stake to Yberius in the Venore temple for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Kolejnym miastem, które powinniśmy odwiedzić, jest Venore. Znajduje się w nim NPC Yberius.

Player: hi
Yberius: Welcome, young Player! If you are new in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Yberius: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Yberius: So receive my prayer: 'Protection will be granted - from dangers at hand'. Now, bring your stake to Isimov in the dwarven settlement for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Potem NPC Isimov w Kazordoon.

Player: hi
Isimov: Hiho Gracz and greetings my child!
Player: wooden stake
Isimov: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Isimov: So receive my prayer: 'Unclean spirits shall be repelled'. Now, bring your stake to Amanda in Edron for the next line of the prayer. I will inform her what to do.
Kolejnym NPC, który musi pobłogosławić kołek jest Amanda, która mieszka w Edron.

Player: hi
Amanda: Welcome to the temple of Banor's blood Gracz.
Player: wooden stake
Amanda: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Amanda: So receive my prayer: 'Wicked curses shall be broken'. Now, bring your stake to Kasmir in Darashia for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Następnie Darashia, NPC Kasmir.

Player: hi
Kasmir: Welcome, young Player! If you are new in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Kasmir: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Kasmir: So receive my prayer: 'honour and humility'. Now, bring your stake to Brewster in Port Hope for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Kolejne jest Ankrahmun.

Player: hi
Rahkem: Be mourned pilgrim in flesh.
Player: wooden stake
Rahkem: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Rahkem: So receive my prayer: 'Let there be power and compassion'. Now, bring your stake to Brewster in Port Hope for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Port Hope, NPC Brewster.

Player: hi
Brewster: Welcome, young Player! If you are new in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Brewster: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Brewster: So receive my prayer: 'Your hand shall be guided - your feet shall walk in <hicks> harmony'. Now, bring your stake to Tyrias in <hicks> Liberty Bay for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
No i ostatnie miasto, Liberty Bay i NPC Tyrias.

Player: hi
Tyrias: Be greeted, child.
Player: wooden stake
Tyrias: Brewster sent me a strange message about some strange hocus-pocus. I think it's nonsense, but since you have come that far, I'll play along. Are you ready?
Player: yes
Tyrias: So receive my prayer: 'Your mind shall be a vessel for joy, light and wisdom' - uh, wow, something happened. Well, I guess that's it, but next time if you need some mumbo jumbo rather go to Chondur.
W tym momencie nasza drewniana noga (Wooden Stake) staje się artefaktem.
You see a blessed wooden stake.
It weighs 5.00 oz.
Many mighty priests of Tibia have blessed this stake.
Gdy stracimy Blessed Wooden Stake nie musimy podróżować po wszystkich miastach, aby zdobyć go po raz drugi.

Wystarczy udać się do NPC Chondur, który znajduje się na Merianie i napisać:
1> Hi
2> Wooden Stake
3> Wooden Stake
4> Yes
by Ojciec Dyrektor