Na początku musimy znaleźć Boozera. Prowadzi bar Hard Rock Tavern w Venore, tuż nad depo.
Prowadzimy z nim rozmowę.
Gracz: Hello
Boozer: Welcome to the Hard Rock Racing Track,
Gracz: Do you have any mission for me?
Boozer: Shush!! I don't want everybody to know what I am up to. Listen, things are not going too well, I need a new attraction. Do you want to help me?
Gracz: Yes.
Boozer: Good! Listen closely. Take this bottle and go to Kazordoon. I need a sample of their very special brown ale. You may find a caskin their brewery. Come back as soon as you got it.
Gracz: Bye.
Boozer: You'll be back.
Otrzymujemy butelkę:
You see an empty beer bottle.
It weighs 2.50 oz.
It is the bottle Boozer gave you for the brown ale.
W tym celu należy udać się do Kazordoon.
Aby dostać się do browarów podążaj za strzałkami.
Następnie wchodzimy 5 razy po schodach.
Na samym szczycie w beczce przy prawej ścianie znajduje się brązowe ale (brown ale). Zapełniamy nim butelkę a następnie wracamy do Boozera.
You see a beer bottle.
It weighs 2.50 oz.
It is filled with the legendary dwarvish brown ale.
Gracz: Hello Boozer.
Boozer: Welcome to the Hard Rock Racing Track, player.
Gracz: Mission complited, I have brown ale.
Boozer: Yessss! Now I only need to build my own small brewery, figure out the secret recipe, duplicate the dwarvish brew and BANG I'll be back in business! Here take this as areward.