Aby rozpocząć quest należy udać się do pani generał Bunny Bonecrusher. Znajdziemy ja w Carlin w tym budynku na 1 piętrze.
Zaczynamy rozmowę:
Gracz: Salutations General
Bunny Bonecrusher: Salutations, commoner Gracz
Gracz: Do you have any mission for me?
Bunny Bonecrusher: Normally we don't assign missions to civilians - and particularly to no MALE civilians - but in this case I think we can make an exception. ...
Bunny Bonecrusher: I need a courier to deliver a parcel to the watchtower in Femor Hills. You think you can handle that??
Gracz: yes
Bunny Bonecrusher: I am not sure if I should be glad now or not but anyway ... you will get a password so I will know if you just threwit away or actually delivered it. Here is the parcel. See you ....or not.
Gracz: Good bye
Bunny Bonecrusher: LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!
Otrzymujemy paczkę:
You see a parcel.
It weighs 18.00 oz.
It is the parcel for the watchtower on the Femor Hills.
Udajemy się z nią na Femor Hills, do Thanity w Whitewatch Tower (jest na samym szczycie):
Gracz: Hello
Thanita: How could you sneak up on me like this? I thought you were one of THEM! Well, since you are not, what brings you to thiswilderness?
Gracz: Mission
Thanita: Oh great! Supplies from Carlin! Let me see ...<she digs into the parcet>...ahh, nothing meaningful at all, like always. Well, beforeI give you the password for the delivery, you have to help me! ...
Thanita: I have massive problems with the goblin tribe that lives here. You look strong enough to face their leader but you need to besmart to lure him out. ...
Thanita: I heard they don't like fire very much, maybe that's worth a try. Their beds are mostly made of straw which is known aseasily inflammable. ...
Thanita: The entrance to their cave is at the pond south east of here.
Potrzebna nam Fire Bug. Udajemy się pod Femor Hills - tam gdzie jest Power ring quest. Odszukujemy drzwi, za którymi stoi Goblin Leader. Aby otworzyć drzwi, używamy kupionego wcześniej Fire Buga na słomianej macie. Lider, poczuwszy dym wychodzi a my możemy go zabić.
Kiedy już to zrobimy, możemy wracać do Thanity.
Gracz: Hello
Thanita: How could you sneak up on me like this? I thought you were one of THEM! Well, since you are not, what brings you to thiswilderness?
Gracz: Mission complited, he is dead.
Thanita: Impressive!! I could need someone like you here at the watchtower! Okay, the password you need to tell Bunny is (tu Thanita podaje Ci hasło, które należy zapamiętać). Come back and visit me if you like to!
Wracamy teraz do Bunny Bonecrusher po nagrody:
Gracz: Salutations General
Bunny Bonecrusher: Salutations, commoner
Gracz: Mission complited
Bunny Bonecrusher: Alright, you delivered the parcel. So what is the password Thanita told you?
Bunny Bonecrusher: That's right. Here is your reward some elementary arrows. You did pretty well on your mission!
by Gelt & Voniek