Hugo pracuje nad jego projektem. Może potrzebować nieco inspiracji, więc jeśli masz trochę wolnego czasu, nie wahaj się poddać mu kilku pomysłów.
- 50 Minotaur Leather
- 30 Heaven Blossom
- 20 Brown Piece of Cloth
- 10 Bat Wing
- Bat Wigs wypadają z Bat
- Minotaur Leather można wycinać, jak i lootować z wszystkich rodzajów Minotaurów
- Pieces of Brown Cloth zdobądź z Ghoul lub Barbarian Headsplitter
- Heaven Blossoms wypadają z Elf i Elf Scout
U kogo i jak ??
Po zdobyciu wszystkich produktów udaj się do Venore i odnajdź NPC Hugo.
Gracz: outfit
Hugo: I think I'm having an innovative vision! I feel that people are getting tired of attempting to look wealthy and of displaying their treasures. ...
Hugo: A really new and innovative look would be - the 'poor man's look'! I can already see it in front of me... yes... a little ragged... but not too shabby! ...
Hugo: I need material right now! Argh - the vision starts to fade... please hurry, can you bring me some stuff?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: Good! Listen, I need the following material - first, 20 pieces of brown cloth, like the worn and ragged ghoul clothing. ...
Hugo: Secondly, 50 pieces of minotaur leather. Third, I need bat wings, maybe 10. And 30 heaven blossoms, the flowers elves cultivate....
Hugo: Have you noted down everything and will help me gather the material?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: Terrific! What are you waiting for?! Start right away to gather 20 pieces of brown cloth and come back once you have them!
Gracz: hi
Hugo: Hiho Gracz!
Gracz: 20 brown pieces of cloth
Hugo: Ah! Have you brought 20 pieces of brown cloth?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: Yes, yes, that's it! Very well, now I need 50 pieces of minotaur leather to continue.
Gracz: 50 minotaur leathers
Hugo: Were you able to obtain 50 pieces of minotaur leather?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: Great! This leather will suffice. Now, please, the 10 bat wings.
Gracz: 10 bat wings
Hugo: Did you get me the 10 bat wings?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: Hooray! These bat wings are ugly enough. Now the last thing: Please bring me 30 heaven blossoms to neutralise the ghoulishstench.
Gracz: 30 heaven blossoms
Hugo: Is this the lovely smell of 30 heaven blossoms?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: This is it! I will immediately start to work on this outfit. Come back in a day or something... then my new creation will be born!
Gracz: bye
Teraz musimy poczekać jedną dobę. Hugo musi mieć czas, aby wykonać nasz strój. Po tym czasie wracamy do niego:
Gracz: hi
Hugo: Be greeted, Gracz!
Gracz: outfit
Hugo: Eureka! Alas, the poor man's outfit is finished, but... to be honest... it turned out much less appealing than I expected. However,you can have it if you want, okay?
Gracz: yes
Hugo: Here you go. Maybe you enjoy if after all.
Nasz nowy strój jest już gotowy.
Pierwszy Addon
Addon: Beard (male), Necklace (female)
- 100 Ape Fur
- 20,000 gp
- Ape Fur wypada z każdego rodzaju Małp
U kogo i jak ??
Jeśli posiadasz już wymagane produkty udaj się na Fibulę i odnajdź tam NPC Simon the Beggar[/url] (kliknij na imię aby zobaczyć jego pozycję).
Gracz: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello Gracz. I am a poor man. Please help me.
Gracz: Outfit
Simon the Beggar: Haha, that beard is - well, not fake, but there's a trick behind it. I noticed people tend to be more generous towards a poor gramps. Want to know my trick?
Gracz: Yes
Simon the Beggar: I can mix a secret potion which will increase your facial hair growth enormeously. I call it 'Instabeard'. However, it requires certain ingredients. ...
Simon the Beggar: For the small fee of 20000 gold pieces I will help you mix this potion. Just bring me 100 pieces of ape fur, which are necessary to create this potion. ...
Simon the Beggar: Do we have a deal?
Gracz: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Great! Come back to me once you have the 100 pieces of ape fur and I'll do my part of the deal.
Gracz: Bye
Simon the Beggar: Have a nice day.
Gracz: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello Gracz. I am a poor man. Please help me.
Gracz: 100 ape fur
Simon the Beggar: Have you brought me the 100 pieces of ape fur and 20000 gold pieces?
Gracz: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Ahh! Very good. I will start mixing the potion immediately. Come back later. Bye bye.
Na przygotowanie Addonu musisz zaczekać 5 dni.
UWAGA! Czasem ten czas się wydłuża nawet do 10 dni.
Gracz: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello Gracz. I am a poor man. Please help me.
Gracz: Addon
Simon the Beggar: Aha! I can see it! Now that you've waited patiently without shaving, your beard is perfect! All thanks to my, err, potion. Yes. Goodbye!
Czasami trzeba poczekać nieco dłużej.
Drugi Addon
Addon: Staff
- Simon the Beggar's Favorite Staff
- Ukończony pierwszy Addon
- Udajemy się do NPC Simon the Beggar i podejmujemy się jego zadania
- Udajemy się do głębin 'Hero Cave' na północy Edron i bierzemy ze skrzynki potrzebny przedmiot.
- Oddajemy przedmiot Żebrakowi, otrzymując w zamian drugi addon.
U kogo i jak ??
Najpierw musisz udać się do NPC Simon the Beggar i porozmawiać z nim o Addonie.
Gracz: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello Gracz. I am a poor man. Please help me.
Gracz: Addon
Simon the Beggar: No, no. Our deal is finished, no complaining now, I don't have time all day. And no, you can't have my staff.
Gracz: Staff
Simon the Beggar: I said, no! Or well - I have a suggestion to make. Will you listen?
Gracz: Yes
Simon the Beggar: When I was wandering around in Tibia, I lost my favourite staff somewhere in the northern ruins in Edron. ...
Simon the Beggar: Uh, don't ask me what I was doing there... sort of a pilgrimage. Well anyway, if you could bring that staff back to me, I promise I'll give you my current one. ...
Simon the Beggar: What do you say?
Gracz: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Good! Come back to me once you have retrieved my staff. Good luck.
Płyniemy na Edron i udajemy się na północ wyspy.
Jeśli nie chcemy na tym poziomie walczyć z dużą liczbą potworów, najlepiej użyć czaru 'utana vid' lub założyć Stealth Ring. Wtedy tylko Priestess i Bonelord będą dla nas przeszkodą.
A. 2 Demon Skeletony.
B. Hunter i Wild Warriory.
C. Priestess i kilka Demon Skeletonów.
D. Bonelord, i następne 4 Demon Skeletony.
A. Monk.
B. Kilka Demon Skeletonów, Wild Warriorów oraz Dark Magician.
C. Stąd może przyjść kilka Priestess.
A. 2 Dragon Hatchling.
B. 3 Dragon.
A. 3 Monki.
B. Hero.
C. Dark Magician i 2 Dark Apprentice.
A. 3 Wild Warriory, 2 Demon Skeletony, Hunter i Minotaur Mage.
B. 3 Stalkery, 3 Priestess oraz 2 Wild Warriory.
C. 2 Dark Magician i 2 Dark Apprentice.
D. 3 Dark Magician.
Tu zmierzymy się z Dark Magician i 3 Stone Golemami.
Walczymy z 2 Stone Golemami i 4 Priestess. Wyciągamy 'Staff' ze skrzynki i wracamy na powierzchnię.
Idziemy na wyspę Fibula i tam, kolejny raz, rozmawiamy z Simon the Beggar:
Gracz: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello Gracz. I am a poor man. Please help me.
Gracz: Staff
Simon the Beggar: Did you bring my favourite staff??
Gracz: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Yes!! That's it! I'm so glad! Here, you can have my other one. Thanks!
Drugi addon jest już gotowy.