-Kitchen Knife lub Obsidian Knife;
Misja 1: Lucky Charms
Misja 2: In a State of Disrepair
Misja 3: Bushwhacking
Dzienne zadanie: Lucky Loop
Dzienne zadanie: Handyman
Quest rozpoczynamy u Rottin Wooda, który znajduje się w domku w Outlaw Camp:
Misja 1: Lucky Charms
Rozmawiamy z NPC:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: quest
Rottin Wood: Oh, you want some work? You can help us, alright. Did you know that the people of the city think those rabbit feet are actually lucky charms?
Gracz: no
Rottin Wood: People like to think that their personal luck will rise if they buy, wear or give away one of these rabbit feet. ...
Rottin Wood: Of course you and me know that this is complete nonsense but our valued customers want to be supplied with the finest rabbit feet the forest has to offer. ...
Rottin Wood: And that's exactly where you come in - helping us getting more 'lucky charms'. And if we do not get our hands on them in time, we will surely starve... during the dry period, real hard times. You in?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Fine, now hurry into the woods and find some rabbits. Find them and kill them that is. Use a sharp, thin knife to get the rabbit foot and be careful not to destroy it - no one would buy it in a bad condition after all. ...
Rottin Wood: Once you gathered some rabbit feet, put one of our - handcrafted by the guys - ribbons on each of them. That will make two lucky charms per rabbit. ...
Rottin Wood: We will need at least seven. And seven is a lucky number, don't you think? Heh. ...
Rottin Wood: If you need some more ribbons just come back to me and I will see what I can do.
Otrzymaliśmy od Rottina 7 Handcrafted Ribbon. Musimy ich użyć razem z 7 Rabbit's Foot. Aby je zdobyć musimy zabić króliki, a po 10 sekundach użyć na ich ciałach Kitchen Knife lub Obsidian Knife. Możemy otrzymać z każdego królika 0, 1 lub 2 Rabbit's Foot. Gdy uda nam się zdobyć łapkę pojawi się komunikat:
Gdy uzbieramy 7 łapek używamy na nich kokard, po czym odnosimy je do Rottina:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: mission
Rottin Wood: Good to see you back. Now, did you bring us the lucky charms?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Good hunt. That will be enough to help us uhm... get through the winter yes. Now if you want to help us getting even more lucky charms, you can always ask.
Otrzymujemy 500 sztuk złota oraz 100 exp.
Misja 2: In a State of Disrepair
Pytamy NPC o kolejną misję:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: mission
Rottin Wood: Of course, of course, there is indeed something you can help us with. Remember that we also have some tasks for you. So, are you ready for another quest to help the men of the forest?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: There is a problem with one of our deer stands. Right. Well, there are two problems, our deer stands - and some of the walls of the buildings in the camp are broken. ...
Rottin Wood: You know, the guys built all of that themselves. Sure, at first it didn't quite work out as we planned and in the end we had to tear down half the forest - but - it was worth it. ...
Rottin Wood: Still, most of the camp is kind of... broken now. And someone with a good hammer and a steady hand needs to fix that. Or I am afraid we will have to freeze... during the cold evenings... well you know, hard times. ...
Rottin Wood: So what do you say, in for this one?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Good, good. Do you remember the old saying? If it ain't broken, it was not made by us. Now, off you go!
Nasze zadanie polega na naprawie 6 ścian w domach na Outlaw Camp. W tym używamy celu używamy Hammer na ścianach:
Jeżeli chcemy możemy poczekać, gdyż ściana po kilku minutach znowu się rozpadnie. Po naprawie wyglądają tak:
Gdy już naprawiamy w ten sposób 6 ścian wracamy do Rottina:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: mission
Rottin Wood: Ah there you are. So, did you repair all the broken structures?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Mmmmh, I have to say - good workmanship. No doubt. Yes, the person who made that tool you used to fix all this was a pure professional. Something I can't say about your work, though. ...
Rottin Wood: The walls look as if they will come off in a matter of hours. Oh well, you can always come back and repair this mess, ask me for a task if you want to. Yeah, yeah and here's your reward for today.
Otrzymujemy 500 sztuk złota oraz 500 exp.
Misja 3: Bushwhacking
Na początek rozmawiamy z Rottinem:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: mission
Rottin Wood: Oh Gracz my good friend, good to see you! Today you will help us with a very important task. Very important indeed. ...
Rottin Wood: You know, a large group of merchants is travelling from Thais to Venore and they are crossing the forest to shorten their way - can you believe it? ...
Rottin Wood: They will enter the forest near our camp which is where you come in - uhm I mean you do want to help us with this, right?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Right, now before the merchants enter the woods, you will install several traps - nothing too dangerous, just nets and ropes. ...
Rottin Wood: When they enter said area which is located close to our hidden camp, they will be trapped and you can... lighten their heavy burden of valuable goods. ...
Rottin Wood: There is but a tiny little catch - we cannot help you laying these traps. You know, some of the guys became sick recently, we talk about several broken legs here, one almost lost his arm ...
Rottin Wood: So... it's entirely up to you, will you do this or not?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Alright very good. Now the only thing you need to do is taking these traps and moving out to the area I have marked on your map where you need to place them. ...
Rottin Wood: Once you did that go to the large high seat near the camp and watch for the travelling merchants. ...
Rottin Wood: Once all of them are trapped in the nets, you can go down and gather anything of value you can find. But only take what we... you really need - around 100 gold should be enough for any man to take. ...
Rottin Wood: We have manners after all, haven't we. ...
Rottin Wood: My men will take their share of course and... help you relieve the merchants of any valuables. ...
Rottin Wood: You're done if you get at least... let's say 5 of these fools. Return to me and you will be rewarded. ...
Rottin Wood: Off you go and - good hunt, heh.
Otrzymaliśmy 2 rzeczy - 5x Net oraz zaznaczone miejsce na Automapie czerwonym krzyżykiem. Zadanie polega na złapaniu 5 Travelling Merchant. W tym celu udajemy się do miejsca zaznaczonego na automapie, po czym używamy sieci na podłodze. Po rozłożeniu wszystkich 5 sieci zostajemy teleportowani poza teren. Pozostaje nam czekać, aż potwory wpadną w sieci. Po złapaniu wszystkich 5 teren znowu będzie dostępny, a my klikamy "Use" na każdym złapanych potworów:
Po wykonaniu zadania wracamy do Rottina:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: mission
Rottin Wood: You did it!! And I assume you took only what you needed? Heh. No, I know it. Because my men took the rest. Thanks for helping us, you did a very good job. In fact I have a little 'extra' for you here, thanks again.
Otrzymujemy 500 sztuk złota, 1000 exp oraz osiągnięcie "Merry Adventures".
Dzienne zadanie: Lucky Loop
Zadanie analogiczne do pierwszego - musimy oddać 7 łapek Rottinowi. Rozmawiamy z nim:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: task
Rottin Wood: Alright of course. You can help us getting even more lucky charms. For now that's the only task we can offer.
Gracz: lucky charms
Rottin Wood: Are you ready to get more 'lucky charms'? You know, if we won't get our hands on new charms in time, we will surely have to starve... during the autumn. That would be a hard time for all of us. So... you in once again?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Fine, now hurry into the woods and find some rabbits. Find them and kill them that is. Use a sharp, thin knife to get the rabbit foot and be careful not to destroy it - no one would buy it in a bad condition after all. ...
Rottin Wood: Once you gathered some rabbit feet, put one of our - handcrafted by the guys - ribbons on each of them. That will make two lucky charms per rabbit. ...
Rottin Wood: We will need at least seven. And seven is a lucky number, don't you think? Heh. ...
Rottin Wood: If you need some more ribbons just come back to me and I will see what I can do.
Robimy to samo co w zadaniu pierwszym. Możemy także zrobić Fake Rabbit's Foot i otrzymać osiągnięcie Bunny Slipped. W tym celu potrzebujemy Wooden Spoon oraz Wool. Używamy kokard na łyżce, a następnie tego co powstało, czyli Spoon with Ribbon na wełnie. Po wykonaniu zadania wracamy do Rottina:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: task
Rottin Wood: Alright of course. You can help us getting even more lucky charms. For now that's the only task we can offer.
Gracz: lucky charms
Rottin Wood: Good to see you back. Now, did you bring us the lucky charms?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Good hunt. That will be enough to help us uhm... get through the winter yes. Here is your reward for today.
W nagrodę otrzymamy 100 exp oraz:
-500 sztuk złota (często);
-300 sztuk złota oraz Time Ring (rzadko);
-Hunting Horn (bardzo rzadko).
Dzienne zadanie: Handyman
Idziemy do Rottina:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: task
Rottin Wood: Alright of course. You can help us getting even more lucky charms. There are also some repairs to be made around the camp. For now these are the only tasks we can offer.
Gracz: repairs
Rottin Wood: Ah yes, the sorry state of the camp... after your last repair. There is indeed a lot to do, some of the makeshift walls came down already. So, you know, would you...?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: There is a problem with one of our deer stands. Right. Well, there are two problems, our deer stands - and some of the walls of the buildings in the camp are broken. ...
Rottin Wood: You know, the guys built all of that themselves. Sure, at first it didn't quite work out as we planned and in the end we had to tear down half the forest - but - it was worth it. ...
Rottin Wood: Still, most of the camp is kind of... broken now. And someone with a good hammer and a steady hand needs to fix that. Or I am afraid we will have to freeze... during the cold evenings... well, you know, hard times. ...
Rottin Wood: So what do you say, in for this one?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Good, good. Do you remember the old saying? If it ain't broke, it was not made by us. Now, off you go!
Zadanie analogiczne do drugiego - musimy naprawić 6 ścian. Gdy to zrobimy wracamy do NPC i rozmawiamy:
Gracz: hi
Rottin Wood: Hunter's greeting! I assume you want something from me since you came all the way out here on your own. This is a dangerous place to be, I doubt that all my men will accept strangers like I do. You don't seem to have any problems with that, though.
Gracz: task
Rottin Wood: Alright of course. You can help us getting even more lucky charms. There are also some repairs to be made around the camp. For now these are the only tasks we can offer.
Gracz: repairs
Rottin Wood: Welcome back, did you repair all the broken structures?
Gracz: yes
Rottin Wood: Mmmmh, I have to say - good workmanship. No doubt. Yes, the person who made that tool you used to fix all this was a pure professional. Something I can't say about your work, though. ...
Rottin Wood: The walls look as if they will come off in a matter of hours. Oh well, you can always come back and repair this mess, ask me for a task if you want to. Yeah, yeah and here's your reward for today.
Otrzymujemy 500 sztuk złota oraz 500 exp.