-Wykonana 9 misja The New Frontier Quest
Po udanej walce na arenie w Charozai, ściągamy zbroje ze stojaka na końcu pomieszczenia.
Pierwszy Addon
Wszystkie dodatki do tego stroju otrzymujemy od NPC Caela.
Pierwszy addon otrzymujemy w zamian za Serpent Crest, który otrzymamy po wykonaniu Children of the Revolution Quest. Gdy już to zdobędziemy idziemy do Caela:
Gracz: hi
Cael: Greetings, Hor-tyr! You must have come around quite a bit. I'm always interested in learning new things about Zao.
Gracz: serpent crest
Cael: Oh, wow! Now THAT is an interesting relic! Can I have that serpent crest?
Gracz: yes
Cael: Thank you! Let me reward you with something I stumbled across recently and which might fit your warmaster outfit perfectly.
Drugi Addon
Tym razem Cael odda nam drugi dodatek do stroju w zamian za Tribal Crest (do otrzymania z Unnatural Selection Quest), po zdobyciu tego przedmiotu udajemy się do krasnoluda:
Gracz: Hi
Cael: Greetings, Dany Darko! You must have come around quite a bit. I'm always interested in learning new things about Zao.
Gracz: tribal crest
Cael: Oh, wow! Now THAT is an interesting relic! Can I have that tribal crest?
Gracz: yes
Cael: Thank you! Let me reward you with something I stumbled across recently and which might fit your warmaster outfit perfectly.
Cały Outfit:
By Robin