Tylko kilkoro będzie w stanie udowodnić swoje umiejętności w misjach, które powierza nam sam mistrz. Jeśli okażesz się godzien, otrzymasz zaszczytny tytuł nadwornego błazna oraz jedyny w swoim rodzaju strój. Tylko nieliczni zostają przyjęci w szeregi gildii błaznów!
- kitchen knife
- 24 pieces of flour
- 240 gp
- 18 vials of wine
- key 3800
- 1 red piece of cloth
- 1 blue piece of cloth
- 1 yellow piece of cloth
- 1 green piece of cloth
- kitchen knife można kupić u NPC Chephan w Venore za 10 gp
- flour to zboże (ścięte z pola za pomocą scythe) i przerobione w młynie na mąkę
- 18 viali własnoręcznie napełniamy winem. Kupujemy 18 viali z wodą/olejem (np NPC Sandra na Edron). Viale opróżniamy i napełniamy je winem z beczułki, którą niestety trzeba znaleźć w pobliskim barze.
- Key 3800 można zdobyć z Emperor's Cookies Quest
- red piece of cloths wypadają z Hero, Fury, Barbariana Bloodwalkera. Można też zamienić 1 Red Robe za 1 Red Cloth u NPC Irmana.
- blue piece of cloths wypadają z Blue Djinna, Marida i Yakchala. Można też zamienić 1 Mystic Turban za 1 Blue Cloth u NPC Irmana
- yellow piece of cloths wypadają z Mummy
- green piece of cloths wypadają z Green Djinna i Efreeta. Można też zamienić 150 Green Tunic za 1 Green Cloth u NPC Irmana.
NPC, z którymi trzeba będzie porozmawiać to NPC Bozo oraz NPC Mirabell.
Misja pierwsza
Jeśli już zdobyłeś wszystkie przedmioty, możesz udać się do Thais i tam odszukać NPC Bozo i zapytać o zaproszenie do gildii.
Gracz Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Join
Bozo: Do you wish to become a jester and join the fools guild?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: So you want to make a total fool of yourself? Fine with me, but note that becoming a real fool means more than being just an ordinary fool ...
Bozo: You will have to master a whole series of challenging, lengthy and, above all, totally foolish quests ...
Bozo: Are you sure you want to waste a part of your limited lifetime on a quest that makes a fool of yourself and which might award you with the prestigious title of a grand fool in a far away future?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: What a foolish decision! You are indeed a worthy candidate! But let's talk about business ...
Bozo: Being a jester is not just about telling jokes. A good jester heavily relies on requisites ...
Bozo: Getting some requisites will be your first job. First of all we need a good supply of water squirt flowers ...
Bozo: I'm making them on my own in my spare time but I need the right material. South of Thais, next to the Whiteflower Temple, you will find the ideal flowers ...
Bozo: Take a kitchen knife, cut the thickest and healthiest flower and bring it here. Then talk to me about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Pierwszym zadaniem jest ścięcie białego kwiatka za pomocą kitchen knife. Po zdobyciu kwiatka wracamy do NPC Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have a fitting flower for me?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Indeed. This flower will do the trick, so to say. Just ask me about another mission whenever you're ready.[dialog/]
Misja druga
[dialog]Gracz: Mission
Bozo: The next task will be a bit more difficult. I pride myself on being the major manufacturer of stink bombs in whole Tibia. Stop chuckling you fool aspirant ...
Bozo: The worst part is getting the perfect stench. Whenever a slime dies, it leaves a noxious gas cloud ...
Bozo: If you are able to collect its scent in the first few seconds after the slime's death, we have the ideal substance to create dozens of stink bombs ...
Bozo: Take this special vial and fill it with the perfect stench. Then return here and we will talk about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Po rozmowie z NPC otrzymujemy special flask. Musimy teraz znaleźć bądź przywołać slime. Gdy go zabijemy, używamy special flask na jego truciźnie.
You see a special flask.
It weighs 1.80 oz.
It contains the smell of a freshly slain slime.
Jeśli nam się udało, wracamy do Bozo, aby go o tym powiadomić.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have acquired the exquisite stench we need?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Ugh. You got some efficient stuff there. I have to admit you have a talent for such distasteful matters. Perhaps you feel ready for another mission. Just ask me about it.
Misja trzecia
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: I think you're ready for a small promotion. Provided that you finish another mission, that is ...
Bozo: As you might know, nothing helps you to break the ice so easily when you meet new people as a pie thrown in the face ...
Bozo: Of course, this habit leads to a dramatic shortage of pies now and then. And that's what we need you for. Mirabell in Edron creates the most creamy and sticky pies in the world ...
Bozo: Get me a dozen of them, this means 12, you fool. Then report to me about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Udajemy się na Edron do NPC Mirabell. Rozmowa z nią ma wyglądać tak: 12 pies > 24 flour > yes. Stajemy się właścicielami pysznych placków.
Nasze zadanie polega na dostarczeniu ich do NPC Bozo. Jest to psikus, ponieważ jakakolwiek próba przejścia obok Edron Guardsmena, podróż dywanem czy wysłanie ich pocztą, spowoduje, że ciastka będą zniszczone i niezdatne do spożycia. W związku z tym, musimy przejść podziemnym tunelem pełnym rotwormów na Cormayę, a stamtąd płyniemy parowcem do Kazordoon. Stamtąd już bezpiecznie wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: So do you bring me a box full of pies?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Excellent. Poor Harsky, poor Stutch. They will mourn the day they dared to yawn during a performance of the magnificent Bozo ...
Bozo: However, I grant you the title of 'Fool in Training' for your efforts. Just don't let it go to your head and don't use this highly spiritual title to show off ...
Bozo: If you are interested in another mission, talk to me.
Misja czwarta
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Ah, the fool in training wants to see some action? Fine with me. I think you are ready for a big prank. But first I need 18 vials filled with wine ...
Bozo: Get them and report here about your mission.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have 18 vials of wine?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: So lets see. I put them into this crate which looks just like the ones in which old Xodet gets his mana potions delivered ...
Bozo: Here take this crate and bring it to Xodet's shop. In front of the shop, you should see the latest delivery. Just use this crate on the other one to exchange them ...
Bozo: Bring me the interchanged crate and talk to me about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
W tej części musimy do Thais, obok sklepu NPC Xodet i podmienić paczkę mana potionów na paczkę viali z winem. Po zakończonej pracy wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you bring me Xodet's exchanged crate?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: I see. I guess we can expect a few drunken mages soon! Am I mistaken or are you up for some more challenging missions? Just ask me about if you feel foolish enough.
Misja piąta
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: I have a fine prank in mind but without proper preparation, you'd end up hacked in pieces by the dwarfs. By chance I found out about an artefact that might save the day ...
Bozo: There is a mysterious tower, known as Triangle Tower, north of Jakundaf Desert. In this tower, you will find a magic watch that we need for our dangerous fun ...
Bozo: Well, I'll have the fun and you'll have the danger but you can view it from a positive side - view it from my side for instance. Now get that watch and report about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Teraz udajemy się do Triangle Tower (znajduje się tam również Triangle Tower Quest) i szukamy magicznego zegarka (magical watch). Gdy go znajdziemy wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Did you get the watch?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Oh boy, you will have so much fun with that watch if they don't catch and kill you. I envy you so much ... Bozo: So listen my little fool, this watch has the power to advance you in time. It will come in handy when you are stealing the beard of the dwarven emperor ...
Bozo: Oh, come on, don't faint like some baby. It's perfectly safe with that watch ... well, almost. You sneak into the emperor's bedroom when it's empty. Use the watch directly beside the bed's pillow ...
Bozo: This should advance you in time. You will appear next to the sleeping emperor. His guards will be outside so they shouldn't bother you. Use a sharp kitchen knife to cut off his beard ...
Bozo: Then quickly use the watch again to advance in time once more. You should appear at a time when everybody has left the room...
Bozo: Sneak out and come here to report about your mission. As the watch will only work those 2 times, make sure that you've got the beard when returning here.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Kolejną częścią tej misji jest wyprawa do Kazordoon. Idziemy do pokoju z łóżkiem. Drzwi otwieramy za pomocą klucza 3800. Podchodzimy do łóżka i używamy zegarka. Następnie otwieramy skrzynię, zabieramy kitchen knife i używamy go na śpiącym dwarvie. Teraz gdy już mamy obciętą brodę imperatora, używamy zegarka ponownie i wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mision
Bozo: Did you get the beard?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: You got the beard and survived. I think for the first time in my whole life I'm impressed, no wait, it was just a stone in my shoe ...
Bozo: Still, as a small recognition of your accomplishments I'm willing to tell you how to get your own jester outfit. If you are interested in more fun and adventures, ask me for more missions.
Gdy mamy przy sobie wszystkie wyżej wymienione piece of cloths, możemy zapytać o naszą nagrodę:
Gracz: Jester Outfit
Bozo: First we will need one piece of red cloth. Do you have it with you?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Ok, now we need one piece of blue cloth. Do you have one with you by chance?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Ok, now we need one piece of green cloth. Do you have one with you by chance?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: At last we need one piece of yellow cloth. Do you have one with you by chance?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: That's it. Here is your jester outfit. It's admittedly a bit basic but maybe you'll earn some nice accessories soon. At least you are more fittingly dressed for your next missions now.
Gracz: Bye
Gratulacje Jester Outfit gotowy.
Addon: Staff
- 4 minotaur leather
- 1 giant spider silk
- spoon
- knife
- minotaur leathers wypadają z wszystkich rodzai minotaurów, Apprentice Sheng, The Horned Fox, General Murius
- giant spider silks wypadają z Giant Spider, The Old Widow
- spoon i knife można kupić u NPC Chephan w Venore za 10 gp
NPC, z którymi trzeba będzie porozmawiać: NPC Bozo, NPC Carina, NPC Theodore Loveless
Misja pierwsza
Gdy posiadasz wyżej wymienione produkty, udaj się do NPC Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: You know, nothing has brought more fun and joy to humanity than the whoopee cushion. Its creation is a delicate matter though. Bring me 4 pieces of minotaur leather first and then lets talk about this mission.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have the four minotaur leathers?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Good, this was the first part. Now it gets difficult. To sew it together, we need a very fine yarn, as fine as the silk of a giantspider. Bring me some giant spider silk and talk to me about your mission.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have the spider silk with you?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Let's see, a stitch here, a stitch there. Hey Presto! A whoopee cushion! Are you ready for the fun part? Then talk to me aboutyour next mission.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Now that we have this whoopee cushion it would be a waste not to use it, don't you agree ...
Bozo: Don't speak! I already know what you have in your impish mind my friend and I agree fully. You will bring this cushion to Carlin and place it right on Queen Eloise's throne! Then return here and talk to me about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Otrzymamy czerwoną poduszeczkę (Whoopee Cushion), którą należy użyć na tronie królowej Carlin. Gdy wykonamy zadanie, wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you placed the whoopee cushion on the throne in Carlin?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: This will cause quite a commotion in Carlin. I think we should play some pranks in many more places to spread humour all over the world. Talk to me about your next mission to learn more about it.
Misja druga
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: The time has come to play a prank on some arrogant Venorean. I found out that Carina, the jeweller, is terribly afraid of mice ...
Bozo: Your task is quite easy. Steal the toy mouse of Queen Eloise's cat and show it to Carina in Venore to scare her to death. Then report about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Teraz znów należy udać się do zamku królowej w Carlin. Znajdują się tam schodki prowadzące w dół, schodzimy i wchodzimy przez drzwi do środka. Używamy koszyka znajdującego się w lewym górnym rogu, następnie zabieramy mysz (toy mouse). Należy uważać, ponieważ, gdy użyjemy koszyka pojawi się kotek królowej (Kitty), który nas zaatakuje. Jest on odporny na ataki, więc należy zabrać mysz i wyjść. Udajemy się do Venore i straszymy NPC Carina naszą myszką.
Gracz: Hi
Carina: Welcome, Gracz. I am looking forward to trade with you.
Gracz: Mouse
Carina: Wha ... What??? Are you saying you've seen a mouse here??
Gracz: Yes
Wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you been to Venore and scared Carina as I asked you to?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Excellent. The Venoreans have been safe from my pranks far too long. If you are ready for another mission, talk to me.
Misja trzecia
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: These Venoreans think they are safe from us. They couldn't be more wrong. Let them feel the wrath of the fools! Get a spoon and collect some sulphur from an inactive lava hole ...
Bozo: Be very careful when you get the easily inflammable substance. Then let's talk about the next part of your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Po rozmowie udajemy się do tunelu pomiędzyThais a Fibulą. Na wulkanicznym otworze używamy spoon. Jeśli zdobyliśmy easily inflammable sulphur, możemy wrócić do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you collected the sulphur?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: So much for part one of my foolish master plan. Now travel to Tiquanda and use a kitchen knife to cut some leaves of the jungledweller bush for me. Bring them with you when you report about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Podróżujemy do Port Hope. Stamtąd idziemy tutaj. Na drzewku używamy knife. Jeśli zdobyliśmy some special leaves, wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have the leaves with you?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: So far so good. I will prepare some nasty surprise for your next mission. Talk to me about it whenever you feel ready.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Now look at this, someone has made exploding cigars out of the sulphur and the leaves! Coincidentally I have a great idea how wecould use them ...
Bozo: Take this cigar and give it to Theodore Loveless, the Venorean representative in Liberty Bay. After you delivered our little'present', report here about the outcome of your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
W tej części misji, Bozo daje nam cygaro (cigar), z którym należy udać się do NPC Theodore Loveless w Liberty Bay.
Gracz: Hi
Theodore Loveless: Greetings, dear visitor.
Gracz: Cigar
Theodore Loveless: Oh my. Have you gotten an exquisite cigar for me, my young friend?
Gracz: Yes
Theodore Loveless: Ah what a fine blend. I really ...
Theodore Loveless: OUCH! What have you done you fool? How dare you???
Gdy cygaro wybuchnie wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you delivered the exploding cigar to Theodore Loveless?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: You're hell of a guy, I bet you enjoyed it. As you represent everything a fool stands for, I give you this fool's sceptre to spiceup your jester outfit. If you are interested, there are even more missions for a fool like yourself. Just ask about them.
Gratulacje właśnie otrzymałeś Jester Staff Addon.
Addon: Hat
- 5 white piece of cloth
- dostęp do jednego miejsca z quarami
- dostęp do NPC Nah'bob lub NPC Yaman
- white piece of cloths wypadają z Ghost, Spectre
- trzeba wykonać quest, aby mieć dostęp do Calassa\Frozen Trench\Goroma islands lub po prostu zaczekać na najazd Quar na Liberty Bay
- rozpoczęcie misji z blue lub green djinn quests
NPC, z którymi trzeba będzie porozmawiać: NPC Bozo,
NPC Sam,
NPC Simon the Beggar,
NPC Markwin, NPC Ariella,
NPC Hairycles,
NPC Nah'bob lub
NPC Yaman,
NPC Avar Tar,
NPC The Orc King,
NPC Lorbas,
NPC Wyda,
NPC Hjaern,
NPC Kazzan
Misja pierwsza
Udajemy się do NPC Bozo w Thais.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Well, I think as a true fool you have to think big. So our next little prank will be on a grand scale. Of course, this will need somepreparation ...
Bozo: Firstly, take this vial and use it on a dead stalker immediately after his death to collect his warm blood. Report about your mission when you are done.
Gracz: Bye
Otrzymujemy ?special flask?, który trzeba napełnić krwią stalkera. Najbliżej szukać go możemy tutaj w Triangle Tower. Po zabiciu stalkera, używamy na nim special flask, po czym wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you gotten the blood that we need?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Congratulations! Now let's talk about the complicated part. We need the ink of a quara constrictor. Use this vial on a fresh corpse to get the ink ...
Bozo: Stop making these grimaces! I know it's a foolish task, but after all that's also the fun about it. Get the ink and report to me about your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Teraz musimy zdobyć atrament z Quary Constrictor. Wyruszamy, więc na teren z quarami. Po znalezieniu odpowiedniego potworka zabijamy go i używamy special flask. Wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you acquired the constrictor's ink?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Excellent. As a true fool you have of course no clue what these ingredients are good for, but I will enlighten you. Just ask about your next mission and I'll tell you everything you need to know.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Blood of a stalker and ink of a quara are the main ingredients of the prop for our next prank. Mix it together to obtain some nice vanishing ink ...
Bozo: It looks exactly like normal ink, however, exposed to air it will vanish within minutes. I'm sure you understand how useful this ink can be ...
Bozo: Now, listen to my plan. Go to Sam and order 2000 steel shields. He will never agree to it if you do not sign a contract ...
Bozo: Use the vanishing ink to sign the contract and then hand the paper back to him. This will keep this humourless doter busy for awhile. Talk to me about your mission when you are done
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Bozo daje nam magiczne pióro z atramentem (magical inkwell). Idziemy z nim do NPC Sam.
Gracz: Hi
Sam: Welcome to my shop, adventurer Gracz!
Gracz: 2000 steel shields
Sam: What? You want to buy 2000 steel shields??
Gracz: Yes
Sam: I can't believe it. Finally I will be rich! I could move to Edron and enjoy my retirement! But ... wait a minute! I will not start working without a contract! Are you willing to sign one?
Gracz: Yes
Sam: Fine! Here is the contract. Please sign it. Talk to me about it again when you're done.
Gracz: Contract
Sam: Have you signed the contract?
Gracz: Yes
Sam: Excellent! I will start working right away! Now that I am going to be rich, I will take the opportunity to tell some people what I REALLY think about them!
Po wszystkim wracamy do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: So have you fooled the old Sam yet?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: What a splendid prank! If you are ready for more, ask me about the next mission.
Misja druga
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: This time I have no real mission for you, rather a small errand. I bet you had expected some dangerous and exhausting quest but since I like you so much, I make it veeeeery easy for you ...
Bozo: Here are some cookies. Beware though, those are exploding confetti cookies. You will have to deliver them to 10 special persons, then return to me and report about your mission. Seems easy, doesn't it? Are you going to accept this mission?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Great! That's the word of a true fool! Maybe you want to write the names down. Here we go: Deliver a cookie to: ...
Bozo: The pompous hero Avar Tar in Edron, Simon the greedy beggar on Fibula, the pirate Ariella on the Shattered Isles, the dubious Lorbas next to the ruins of the Dark Cathedral, King Markwin in the underground city Mintwalin ...
Bozo: The shaman Hjaern on the ice island Nibelor, the witch Wyda in the Green Claw Swamp, the ape Hairycles in the jungle city Banuta ...
Bozo: The orc king in the orc fortress Uldrek's Rock and the last one to EITHER Yaman, the green djinn, OR, Nah'Bob, the blue djinn ...
Bozo: A piece of cake isn't it? Did you take notes? If you need the list again, just ask me for it. Otherwise leave now and report about the mission whenever you're done.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Otrzymujemy 10 eksplodujących ciasteczek (exploding cookies), które trzeba roznieść do 10 różnych NPC (kolejność nie ma znaczenia). Mówimy hi > cookie > yes
- NPC Simon the Beggar
- NPC Markwin (jeśli rozmawiasz z nim pierwszy raz, przywoła on swoją armię)
- NPC Ariella
- NPC Hairycles
- NPC Nah'bob lub NPC Yaman
- NPC Avar Tar
- NPC The Orc King (przywoła 2 Orc Warlordy i 5 Slime)
- NPC Lorbas
- NPC Wyda (użyje ona na nas soulfire)
- NPC Hjaern
Po rozdaniu wszystkich ciasteczek wracamy do NPC Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Are you done with your little delivery mission?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Indeed, you're done. By the way, you look a little bit tired and dirty. However, if you still have some power left, ask me aboutthe next mission.
Misja trzecia
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: I'm sure you're wondering how many tiring missions old Bozo has still in store for you! Don't worry! You're almost done, only one final mission left ...
Bozo: Well, that is after you got the needed material. First of all, bring me 5 pieces of white cloth. Then we talk more about yourmission.
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Have you been able to get hold of 5 pieces of white cloth?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Well done. Anyway, I reeeally hate to tell you but ... as white as it's now we have no use for it. Don't worry though. There is away to give it an old and worn look ...
Bozo: The unforgiving desert sun combined with the noxious fumes of the Plague Spike in Darama will do the trick ...
Bozo: Travel to Darama, climb the Plague Spike and look for a nice spot to let mother nature do the work. Perhaps something like analtar would be useful. Once you're done, return here and learn about the next step of your mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Po rozmowie, Bozo wręczy Ci Bale of White Cloth (wygląda jak white tapestry). Należy udać się z tym na Daramę a dokładnie tutaj. Wchodzimy na samą górę, jednocześnie uważając na wyverny. Użyj Bale of White Cloth na sarkofagu. Jeśli został on zamieniony na Bale of Yellowed Cloth (powinien wyglądać jak yellow tapestry), możesz wrócić do Bozo.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Do you have a piece of old and worn cloth?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: Fine, fine. Now let's do the last step of our foolish plan. Smart as I am, I used a pair of scissors to create some old and worn bandsfrom the cloth you have brought me. DON'T touch it yet ...
Bozo: Travel to Darashia and visit caliph Kazzan. Use the bands made of the worn cloth to disguise yourself as a mummy ...
Bozo: Finally, talk to the caliph to give him the scare of his lifetime. Afterwards come back here and tell me about the fun you had with this mission.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Otrzymujemy przebranie mumii (mummy disguise), z którym udajemy się do http://tibia(...)q=276.94"> NPC Kazzan. Pamiętaj, aby nie używać stroju mumii wcześniej! Gdy jesteśmy obok Kazzana, możemy już użyć stroju. Mamy teraz 10 sekund na przestraszenie naszej ofiary, po czym strój zniknie.
Gracz: Hi
Kazzan: WAAAAAHHH!!!
Możemy wrócić teraz do Bozo po naszą nagrodę.
Gracz: Hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bozo: Well, my diligent pupil, have you scared the caliph yet?
Gracz: Yes
Bozo: By Kurik, I knew you have it in you. You are a fool after my fancy. Take this jester hat, you deserve it. It will go nicely with your jester costume.
Gracz: Bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!
Gratulacje zdobyłeś właśnie Jester Hat Addon!